Small Wind: How it Works and When it is Viable
While big corporations and governments invest in big wind farms, smaller communities, businesses, and city residents also want to be a part of the energy transition. Today they can, with the help of small wind turbines. They are a lot cheaper, more adaptable, and suitable for both rural and urban areas.
While we are accustomed to big wind farms, there is still a lot we don’t know about their smaller counterparts. In this article we want to explain how smaller wind turbines work and when is small wind feasible.
Components of Small Wind Systems
To explain how wind turbines work first we have to mention their components. The main parts of small wind turbines are:
turbines: they are the parts of the whole system that are responsible for energy production. Depending on the type of the turbine they can have from 2 to 4 or 5 blades. They are usually made from composite materials. There is also the frame of the turbine, which is needed for the attachment of parts like the rotor, generator, and tail. The rotor is the part of the turbine that decides the amount of energy the whole system will produce.
towers: A small wind turbine has to be mounted on the tower (usually wind flows increase with each meter). Usually, there are two types of towers available: free-standing and the one supported with wires. Each power type also has tilt-down versions, which while more expensive, offer easier maintenance.
balance of systems components: these parts depend on the applications of your turbine and on whether your turbine is connected to the grid. Usually balance of systems components may include: wiring, storage batteries, a controller, an inverter, and a grounding system.
How Small Wind Turbines Work?
Now that we know the components of wind turbines we may explain how they work. There are a few stages of the whole process.
Capturing the Wind
It all begins with the wind hitting the turbine’s rotor blades. These blades are carefully engineered to extract as much energy as possible from the moving air. Designed with aerodynamics in mind, they operate efficiently within a specific range of wind speeds, ensuring optimal energy harvesting.
From Wind to Motion
As the wind pushes the blades, they spin around a central axis – a horizontal or vertical one. This rotary motion, also called a spinning motion, is then transferred to a generator located inside the turbine through a connected shaft.
Turning Motion into Power
The generator is where the motion of the turbines is turned into energy. It takes the mechanical energy created by the spinning blades and converts it into electricity. Depending on the design, turbines use either synchronous or asynchronous generators.
synchronous generators: the rotor’s speed is tightly matched to the frequency of the electricity produced.
asynchronous generators: these allow for more flexibility since the rotor speed and the electricity frequency are not strictly synchronized.
Control Systems
Modern wind turbines are equipped with sensors that constantly monitor wind direction and speed. The control system was invented for adjusting the position of the rotor. That way we can be sure that it’s always facing the wind at an optimal angle. Control systems allow for maximum energy capture, even with chaotic wind patterns.
Electricity Distribution
The electricity generated by the turbine starts as alternating current (AC) and undergoes a transformation process. A transformer increases its voltage, making it suitable for transmission across the power grid. From there, cables carry the electricity to a nearby transformer station, where it’s fed into the grid and distributed to homes and businesses.
Considering small wind for your property? Contact Freen to determine if it’s the right choice for you.
Viability of Small Wind Energy
When we think about investing in small wind turbines we should consider a few factors before making that decision. We have to make sure that it’s a viable option for our site. Here are some small wind energy requirements.
Wind Speed in Our Area
The efficiency of the turbine depends on a few factors, but wind speed in the area is the most important one. To see real cost savings and to have enough power produced to power our home or small business the wind needs to be pretty consistent. Coastal regions or sites located on hills are usually the perfect solution, but wind turbines can be also used in cities. Wind speed requirements for small wind usually mention at least 4–5 meters per second for energy production.
Our Site Location
Site location plays a big role, not only when it comes to wind speed, but also its patterns. Open, unobstructed areas free from large buildings, trees, or other barriers are best since these can disrupt wind flow. Even in urban settings, small wind turbines can be installed effectively on rooftops or elevated areas to avoid these obstacles.
Available Space
Available space is another consideration. While small wind turbines are compact compared to their larger counterparts, they still require enough room to operate safely and efficiently. Farms and rural areas are especially well-suited, but clever design adaptations now make them viable even in limited urban spaces.
Hybrid Renewable Energy Solutions
Small wind turbines also shine in hybrid systems, working seamlessly alongside solar panels. Wind and solar complement each other perfectly—when the sun isn’t shining, wind turbines often pick up the slack, ensuring a more reliable and continuous energy supply. This combination enhances energy efficiency and reduces reliance on the grid, making it a smart solution for both residential and commercial applications. So if you want to diversify your energy generation those two renewable energy sources are the perfect solution.
Typical Applications and Use Cases of Small Wind
Small-scale Wind Turbines in Rural Areas
While new small wind turbines are very adaptable, rural conditions are still the ideal place for them. Areas located outside of cities and towns usually have the best wind speeds, perfect for efficient wind energy generation. They also don’t have the usual obstacles for wind flow, like high buildings and many trees.
In rural areas wind turbines can generate energy needed for powering homes but also farms. Not only can they cut energy costs, but also make rural regions more independent from the grid, which in isolated locations means a more consistent source of energy.
Small Wind for Businesses
Smaller turbines can also profit small businesses. Offices, retail stores, smaller companies – they always look for a way to cut costs. Installing a small wind solution on their site can lower their energy costs while making the business more sustainable. Not only do they provide a stable energy source, independent from the traditional grid, but also influence a better, more eco-conscious image for the business.
Supplemental Energy for Urban Households
For a long time, cities weren’t a location considered for wind turbines. Right now, with new designs and types of small wind turbines, they can also benefit urban areas. Compact systems, especially the vertical-axis ones, can be mounted on top of rooftops, as well as in between buildings, in parks, or on squares. New building designs sometimes even include wind turbines in their projects, making them more efficient.
Wind energy in cities can help them cut energy costs but also make them more sustainable and help reach the country’s climate change goals.
Learn more about how small wind can power your energy goals—schedule a consultation with Freen today.
How to Assess if Your Location is Suitable for Small Wind?
Now that we know in which conditions small wind works the best, we can analyze if our property is the right site for that type of installation. First of all, we have to learn more about local wind flows. You can find maps with detailed information about wind speeds in your region, as well as get the needed information from the local administration. We need to remember to analyze wind speeds in different seasons, as they can change.
Next, we need to assess our site. Where would we like to install our small wind turbine? On a hill or a rooftop? Are there any high buildings or trees nearby? Important factors to consider are also zoning requirements. We need to make sure our area allows for small wind turbine installation and how high it can be.
When we consider all of the above factors, we need to choose the right kind of wind turbine.
Freen’s Expertise in Small Wind Solutions
Our experts at Freen can help you determine if small wind solutions are the right type of renewable energy source for your location. We can help with small wind energy site assessments and help you decide which type of wind turbine will be the best solution for your needs. Our vertical-axis wind turbines are very adaptable and ideal for both rural and urban areas. They will allow for efficient energy generation, even in chaotic wind conditions.
Conclusion: Small Wind Turbines for Your Home and Business
The benefits of small wind power can be enjoyed both in rural and urban areas. Their versatility means that they can adapt to different wind flows and locations. While your site has to meet a few requirements, new designs make it possible to install small wind turbines even in locations previously not ideal for wind generation. That means that more city residents, farmers, and owners of small businesses can reap the many benefits of small wind energy.