Energy Policy

Freen Participates in a Business Event at the ...
On November 18th, Freen had the privilege of attending a prestigious business event organized by the Embassy of Finland in Tallinn in collaboration with Gaia Consulting. The event aimed to strengthen connections between industry leaders and innovative companies, with a focus on wind energy and sustainable technologies.

Financial Support Options for Small Wind Turbi...
Discover the financial support options available for small wind turbines in France, including grants, loans, and incentive schemes like MaPrimeRénov'. Learn how homeowners and businesses can benefit from renewable energy initiatives to reduce energy costs and contribute to France's climate goals.

Energy Cooperatives in Europe: The Role of Sma...
Discover how wind energy cooperatives in Europe empower communities to generate their own clean power using small wind turbines. Learn about the benefits, real-world case studies, and how initiatives like Freen's turbines contribute to Europe's sustainable energy future.

Financial Support Options for Small Wind Turbi...
Discover the financial support options available for small wind turbines in Denmark, including grants, loans, and investment opportunities. Learn how businesses and homeowners can benefit from renewable energy initiatives to reduce energy costs and contribute to Denmark's ambitious climate goals.

Financial Support Options for Small Wind Turbi...
In just 2022, Norway’s 65 wind farms, including one offshore, generated 14.8 TWh of electricity. This growth has been fueled by the lowering costs of wind power projects, favorable tax rules, and the final years of the electricity certificate scheme. However, with the end of support schemes in 2021, the introduction of new tax rules, […]

Financial Support Options for Small Wind Turbi...
Discover the financial support options available for small wind turbines in Lithuania, including grants, loans, and investment opportunities. Learn how businesses and homeowners can benefit from renewable energy initiatives to reduce energy costs and contribute to Lithuania's ambitious goal of generating over 90% renewable electricity by 2030.

Financial Support Options for Small Wind Turbi...
Explore the financial support options available for small wind turbines in the United Kingdom, including grants, financing, and loans. Learn how homeowners and businesses can benefit from renewable energy solutions, reduce energy costs, and contribute to the UK's ambitious zero emissions goal by 2050.

Renewable Energy Sources vs. Fossil Fuels: Ene...
Discover the global transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, the growing role of wind energy, and future prospects for sustainable energy solutions. Learn how wind turbines are shaping the energy landscape and what challenges and opportunities lie ahead.

Small wind turbine market in Switzerland: oppo...
Financial support program proposal for small wind turbine manufacturers to support sustainable development and research and development projects in Switzerland. Our team has prepared a report that analyzes the development of the small wind market in Switzerland. We invite you to read the article and welcome your comments. When using materials from the article, a […]

Small wind turbine market in Belgium: opportun...
Financial support program proposal for small wind turbine manufacturers to support sustainable development and research and development projects in Belgium. Our team has prepared a report that analyzes the development of the small wind market in Belgium. We invite you to read the article and welcome your comments. When using materials from the article, a […]

Rynek Małych Turbin Wiatrowych w Polsce: Szans...
Propozycja programu wsparcia finansowego dla producentów małych turbin wiatrowych w celu wsparcia zrównoważonego rozwoju i projektów badawczo-rozwojowych w Polsce. Nasz zespół przygotował raport analizujący rozwój rynku małej energetyki wiatrowej w Polsce. Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z artykułem i czekamy na Wasze komentarze. W przypadku korzystania z materiałów z artykułu wymagany jest link do oryginału Pobierz […]

Healthy Competition in Wind Energy: Necessity ...
Explore the importance of healthy competition in the wind energy sector, the impact of unfair practices like dumping and subsidies, and the European Commission's efforts to maintain fair market conditions. Learn how FREEN supports sustainable development through adherence to fair competition principles.